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Get Involved

Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible. 
Francis of Assisi

Getting involved is easy and there is some place for everyone to be involved.  You can donate books, invite us to speak, sew for children in the schools, collect items for classrooms or special projects and be part of a GO Team. We currently do not have a warehouse, so we are NOT currently collecting books.


Training is also available to catalog books by computer so they can be labelled and sorted for the schools.


There are many different fundraisers that are held throughout the year that you could support.  Sign up for our monthly newsletter to find out what's next and how you can help.


Something for everyone and something for all ages!

Grand View Public School in Ontario collects school supplies for Swaziland, Africa.

Please consider a financial donation.  Help ship the sea container, purchase JAWS books, help a GO Team member, Library supplies.  

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